Research Policy


In line with the school’s thrust to develop a research culture and a strong research program, the following provisions are hereby presented:

  1. The Deans and Dept Heads shall formulate the IRA based on National High­er Education Research Agenda (NHERA) and the university’s Strategic Plan which will serve as basis of the Institutional Research Agenda.
  2. The Deans/Department Heads shall be responsible in the production of the mandated research output and in the monitoring of the same from their re­spective college/department. Every work unit other than colleges must have completed one correlational study / action research per school year. Every college must have 30 % full time faculty involvement in Research per school year. They shall implement the guidelines set by the Research & Statistics Center as approved by the President, thru the Vice President for Academics and Research (VPAR).
  3. The members of their respective College Research Committees shall be ap­pointed by the Dean who will automatically serve as the Committee Chair.
  4. The Research Council, including the Dean, shall screen and evaluate the re­search proposals for approval of the President.
  5. The Research Technical Staff shall serve as readers / referees and editors of the research reports.


  1. All school employees who are bona fide MA degree holders, shall be given the priority to conduct an institutional research. However, the rest of the school em­ployees may conduct action researches and other researches as maybe assigned by their respective head.
  2. All colleges are required to submit their own college research agenda which will form basis for the development of final Institutional Research Agenda on the date specified by the Research & Statistics Center. The submitted agenda shall be made as basis of the college/department projects.
  3. Qualified school employees shall submit to the Executive Director for Research & Statistics thru their Academic Head / Research Committee Chair, their research proposals based on the Institutional Research Agenda.
  4. The Research Council shall evaluate, review and endorse the research proposal for the approval of the President. Only the approved research proposal shall be processed by the Research & Statistics Center. However, college and faculty researches submitted to college/department heads shall form part of the school research and maybe considered as requirements for clearance from their respec­tive college / department heads.
  5. Two or more researchers maybe allowed to do a research project, provided the main author indicates in the contract the percentage of participation in the re­search project, which shall be finished within the specified time frame indicated in the approved proposal but not to exceed two semesters. However, if the re­search requires more than one (1) researcher, the research pay / honorarium shall be divided among them based on the degree of authorship as reflected from the signed service agreement. If the researcher is a non-teaching personnel, he shall be classified as that of the faculty and be given an equivalent payment due for research.
  6. In order to provide a budget for the researches in the discipline and action re­searches, incentives of institutional researches shall now be 10% less of the faculty rate. Further, the maximum research incentives shall be pegged to P75k both for the Colleges & the graduate school, depending on the faculty academic qualifica­tions.
  7. The payment for institutional research work shall be released in three install­ments: 35% of 12 units equivalent to research work upon submission of final draft of First Part (Introduction to Methods); 35% upon submission of the final draft (full paper) of the complete research report (refereed and edited with re­ceipt of payment to the referee, editor & statistician) and 30% upon presenta­tion of the research project to an appropriate forum within the university and in national/interantional research forum, seminars and conferences with complete documentation to be submitted to the Research & Statistics Center.
  8. The release of research approved budget will be as follows:

First budget release – 40% upon approval of the research project by the Presi­dent; and Second budget release – 60% upon submission of final draft of First Part (Introduction to Methods). Liquidation of the budget ( for clearance) shall be duly noted by the Dean/Dept. Head upon submission of the required re­search output for 40% budget (First Part) and 60% budget (Full Paper). The Dean shall endorse the submission of the research output to the Research & Statistics Center.

  1. To continuously motivate faculty members to conduct research, discipline based-researches and action researches recommended for payment by the Dean shall be entitled to incentive of P20k per paper in the College level, and P30k in the Graduate school. These researches shall be directly supervised by the College Research Committee with the Dean as Chair.
  2. Research assistance and incentives shall be made available to all faculty and other office personnel researchers. These shall be, on top of the research hono­raria in the form of the following: Assistance of the Research Council and duly appointed Research Technical Staff; Cash incentive awards to Best Institutional Researches; Outstanding Institutional Research Award; Budget for the conduct of research which includes honoraria for the referee, editor and statistician (if applicable), budget for external refereeing, budget for trainings and research forums, budget for research seminars and free vehicle for library research.
  3. Research works are temporary assignments of teachers and should not be con­strued as permanent assignments.
  4. The Dean/Department head with the assistance of the Executive Director for Research & Statistics, shall supervise, control and monitor the progress of faculty/school personnel’s conduct of research. The Executive Director for Research & Statistics, with the supervision of the VPAR, shall help control and monitor the conduct of research, the required output of which shall be reported to the Presi­dent and be disseminated for utilization.
  5. The research project shall be evaluated by the Research Council and the as­signed referee/editor based on certain criteria set by the Research & Statistics Center.
  6. In case the researcher fails to submit the required research output within the time frame as specified, his research will be deemed “terminated” at the end of the school year and the Accounting Office shall apply an appropriate action on the payments for research work made. If he/she still wants to pursue the said research, he/she shall reenter the same proposal on the next semester following the new scheme as maybe provided for.
  7. Research work shall be given equivalent points in the faculty performance eval­uation and can be considered as basis for promotion of the researcher.
  8. The Executive Director for Research & Statistics shall provide the Office of the VP for Academics and Research and the Office of the President the report on re­search status and accomplishments on periodic basis and/or as the need arises.
  9. Strict implementation of this policy and the Service Agreement for Research Work is recommended.
  10. Implementation of the said guidelines shall take effect SY 2012-2013. Revisons were based on the New Policy for Research Incentives as per Admin Memo No. 14, SY 2012-2013.


  1. School personnel – refers to all employees of the school, whether teaching or non-teaching personnel, and are receiving regular salaries from Lyceum of the Philippines University.
  2. Institutional research – refers to the approved researches undertaken by the col­leges/departments under the supervision of the Research & Statistics Center. This also refers to the approved school personnel researches that fall within the ap­proved institutional research agenda.
  3. College Research – refers to basic, applied or action research by disciplined. This maybe undertaken by students, faculty or both.


College of Dentistry

To give importance to the thrust of the College, we are looking forward for our faculty-researchers to generate researches that will address the internal challenges and further improve our competitiveness. We remain committed to:

  1. Encourage more faculty members’ collaboration with other faculty in doing researchers.
  2. Utilize our researches to improve our instruction.
  3. Register with the IADR and become acquainted with more published researches
  4. Make representation in Research seminars, conferences, & presentations

Lyceum International Maritime Academy

LIMA, through its faculty members aims to undertake researches which findings would help address various academic, businesses, social and environmental concerns. In the conduct of researches, LIMA is guided by the following objectives:

  1. Appraise the performance of the BSMT & BSMarE cadets on their shipboard training.
  2. Analyze the relevance of the curriculum to the needs of maritime industry vis-à-vis the required competencies of the partner-maritime industries of maritime cadets;
  3. Determine the academic performance of students as attributed to Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL) approaches.
  4. Evaluate the competencies of the BSMT and BSMarE graduates in terms of Licensure Examinations given by the Professional Regulation Commission;
  5. Develop strategies on the enhancement of linkages or cooperation with training centers, shipping and manning agencies;
  6. Determine the level of work values and performance of faculty members;
  7. Determine the perception of local students on the existence of the foreign students in the university.
  8. Produce studies with focus on environmental concerns;
  9. Appreciate the importance of research personally and professionally.
  10. Present the research outputs in various national and international research for a and to publish them refereed in journals.

College of Criminology

In the conduct of criminological researches and other researches, the following aims and objective are presented:

  1. to acquire and discover new knowledge related to the discipline;
  2. to establish ways on how to effectively deal with the existing threats, opportunities, and future challenges, and future challenges in criminal justice education, policing and law enforcement and others;
  3. to evaluate the competencies and attitude of criminology faculty members towards effective instruction of professional courses that would help students improve their performance in Criminology Board professional courses;
  4. to enhance existing rules, guidelines and policies of the College through determination of the needs, motivation, behavior of the stakeholders to improve performance;
  5. to determine the viability of the plans and endeavors of the College in terms of its tri-fold functions; the instruction, research and community extension programs;
  6. to develop strategies on how to effectively instill values of discipline among Criminology students as groundwork for their public safety career;
  7. to contribute new knowledge that would aid in the promotion of community development as well as solutions to some emergent community and social issues;
  8. to contribute to effective law enforcement, crime prevention and order maintenance through development of effective plans, proposals and strategies.

College of Education, Arts and Sciences

To achieve supremacy in research, the College of Education, Arts and Sciences continuously engage at least 50% of its full-time faculty members in scholarly works such as research or creative work with evidences of either of the following; completed/ progress reports, approved research grants, presentation and publication in conferences, books, anthologies and documented works. The college also continuously establishes linkage with national and international agencies/ institutions that support research activities.

College of Engineering

The College of Engineering aims to produce, present and publish research outputs that would strengthen the research culture and achieve the vision-mission of the university. Specifically, the agenda aim:

  1. To monitor the board examination performance in order to develop an intervention program;
  2. To produce design projects, projects, project study, feasibility study which utilize, software, hardware, electronics, mechanical and industrial technologies;
  3. To analyze the factors study habits and practices of engineering students;
  4. To analyze the implementation of Outcomes-based curriculum;
  5. To produce action researches about teaching efficiency and effectiveness, productivity and employability of graduates;
  6. To determine the work engagement of the faculty members of college
  7. To analyze the customer satisfaction measurement of the college
  8. To appreciate the value of research personally and professionally;
  9. To present and publish the research outputs in various national and international research conferences and refereed journals, respectively.

College of Nursing

In the conduct of researches in the field of nursing the following objectives are presented:

  1. To contribute in formulating global and regional strategies in advancing nurses’ role as well as developing policy initiatives in community and healthcare;
  2. To develop and evaluate new techniques for delivering patient care that is attuned to patient’s health needs;
  3. to develop tools for assessing the effectiveness of nursing interventions;
  4. to provide solutions to problems concerning health maintenance, health delivery and health care;
  5. to increase knowledge as a consumer of research and to understand research within a discipline or area of study;
  6. to develop and evaluate alternative approaches to nursing education that would enable the students to gain broad knowledge and specialized skills for safe practice; and
  7. to contribute to the national development.

College of Business Administration

The College Research Agenda has the following objectives:

  1. To produce applied and practical researches that will serve as alternative solutions to any business and management dilemmas.
  2. To investigate business and management issues with the view of offering theoretical frameworks and models in expounding current business and management knowledge.
  3. To build partnership with industry by producing collaborative research outputs.
  4. To participate in a number of local and international research fora and presentations for bench-marking purposes and for sharing best practices.

College of Computer Studies

In support to the OBE – Outcomes-Based Education implementation of the university, the following should be attained:

  1. Accomplish the effective implementation of the OBE at the college level;
  2. Utilize the use of technology in collaboration with other colleges
  3. Collaborate with other industries/companies in the Batangas province as a form of corporate social responsibility
  4. Showcase the skills of the students in their respective chosen research topics as a proof of learning

College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management

The CITHM aims to produce, present and publish research outputs that would strengthen the research culture and achieve the vision-mission of the university. Specifically, the objectives of the CITHM’s research agenda are the following:

  1. To respond to the dynamism of the hospitality industry and assess the status and prospects of the latest trends.
  2. To respond to the complexity of the operations of the industry by means of assessing the practices of small scale food businesses.
  3. To strengthen quality of instruction through evaluation of the competencies of the students.
  4. To respond to the requirements of the industry particularly on the future workforce through assessment of student training program and experiences of students.
  5. To encourage more future workforce by evaluating the rate of completion of he enrollees.
  6. To inculcate the value of research as a scholarly undertaking both by students and faculty members.

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